#136: 250L Aquatic Garden Land of the Glorious Mountains

Abhirup Dasgupta Kolkata, India


Very well done aquascape with good use of hardscape to define your mountains. The plants all look vibrant and fit well in the layout. I would slant the two tallest "peaks" to create more tension as they both appear to be too vertical. Great job!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Land of the Glorious Mountains
Volume 250L
Background Black Vinyl sheet attached at the back end of the aquarium from outside
Lighting 2 * 54 Watt Osram Lumilux 880 T5HO 8000K (Total 2*4000 Lumen )

2 * 36 Watt Osram Dulux L Lumilux PLL 6500K (Total 2*2750 Lumen )
Filtration 1 Eheim 2217 Cannister Filter with Sponge, ceramic rings as media
1 Resun Wave maker for proper flow in the tank
Plants Micranthemum "Monte Carlo"
Eleocharis parvula
Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae
Animals 22 Paracheirodon axelrodi
6 Otocinclus affinis
Materials Substrate ADA Amazonia
Rocks: Locally collected rocks (Inert and does not change water parameters)
Decorative Materials : Decorative inert sand (quartz sand)
Additional Information Pressurized CO2 injected @ 4-5 bps using an external reactor

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