#151: 121L Paludarium wijayandanu

heri amir malang, Indonesia


Very vibrant and mature looking layout with some healthy looking Bucephalandra! The main section on the right is very well done and the waterfall adds a nice touch. The water portion could use some selective trimming to clean up the plants to emphasize the hardscape better. Great job!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 110 × 55 × 20 cm
Title wijayandanu
Volume 121L
Lighting 4 x 18watt
Plants weeping, Buchepalandra, Tennelus, Nubias petite, Marselia tankeshi, Eleocaris sp mini, bolbitis, star moss, tripartita, anubias
Animals Red nose,serpae tetra
Materials gobross stone, malang sand

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