#235: 290L Aquatic Garden les piliers de la nature

Bultel Emmanuel Calais, France


Nice healthy Glossostigma carpet and moss. The layout is well done but could be improved by tilting the rocks so they are not so vertical to create more tension in the tank. Some additional pruning of the moss and glosso would also help define the beautiful rock.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 55 × 45 cm
Title les piliers de la nature
Volume 290L
Lighting Eclairage: T5 4*54w 8h/ jours
Filtration Filtre externe Eheim 2075
Plants Glossostigma Elantinoides, Taxiphylum Barbieri
Animals Iriathérina Werneri, Otocinclus affinis, Caridina Multidentata
Materials Substrat: Deponit mix et gravier
Rocks: Ohko stone
Additional Information Co2: 2 bulles par seconde délivrées par un cyclo turbo
Engrais et changement d'eau: Scaper's green et npk booster avec un changement d'eau de 50% par semaine

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