#256: 200L Aquatic Garden 雨后初晴

范哲敏 余姚, China


Nicely done diorama with interesting progression shots of the tank as it develops. The moss trees were well done however the stems in the back of the tank and the white sand of the background detract from the layout. Great job!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title 雨后初晴
Volume 200L
Lighting 5根T8灯管
Filtration 创星CF-1200
Plants 珊瑚莫斯,趴地珍珠,辣椒榕,牛毛,水蓑衣,针叶皇冠
Animals 三角灯20条
Materials 泰国沉木

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