#273: 270L Aquatic Garden Underwater Experience

Álvaro Atencia Cortes Torrox, Spain


Nicely designed aquascape with a good mix of plants with different textures. I would have liked to see the red of Nymphaea emphasized more. Good job!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 60 × 50 cm
Title Underwater Experience
Volume 270L
Lighting 80w 5050smd led AqLED powered.
Filtration Eheim 2217
Plants Bucephalandra Sp.
Vallisneria gigantea.
Vallisneria nana
Pogostemos helferi
Staurogine repens.
Eleocharis acicularis mini
Weeping vietnam mini
riccardia chamedryfolia.
Nymphaea tigerlotus red.
pistia stratiotes
rotala green
hygrophila polysperma
heteranthera zosterifolia
micranthemum micranthemoides
micranthemum montecarlo
juncus repens
hottonia palustris
ceratopteris thalictroides
Animals caridina japonica.
eriatherina werneri
otocinclus affinis
barbo rhomboocellatus
Materials Aqua-art soil, rock.

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