#329: 324L Aquatic Garden Revival

Jean Ricardo Olinik Ponta Grossa, Brazil


Nice use of the Rotala to provide a splash of color in the aquascape. The rock hardscape was well done but some of the wood's texture doesn't quite match the intent of the aquascape. Good job.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 60 × 45 cm
Title Revival
Volume 324L
Lighting sun sun 8 t5 de 54 w
Filtration Canister Eheim Ecco 2234
Plants Rotala green; Rotala rotundifolia; Rotala mexicana; Rotala wallichii; Ludwigia arcuata; Mayaca sp Tibagi; Anubia nana; Hydrocotyle tripartita; Higrofila pinnatifida; Hemianthus callitrichoides; Glossostigma elatinoides; Staurogyne repens; Eleocharis Japan; Weeping moss; Vesicularia sp; Ranunculus inundatus; Lindernia rotundifolia; Cryptocoryne spiralis; Echinodorus tenellus “Amano Green”; Eleocharis vivipara; Fissidens fontanus;
Animals Paracheirodon axelrodi

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