#343: 36L Aquatic Garden Walk through the forest

Ittipong Deewan ThaWung, Thailand


This is a very nice well organized great "natural feel" tank. For achieving the highest ranking I think you should work on the central part of the tank. Roots are maybe too similar in compositive volume and do not achieve the right feeling of depth. The naturalness achieved at the ground thanks to the correct selection of plant is detailed and wonderful. Amazing work!!
— Juan Puchades Rufino

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 27 × 30 cm
Title Walk through the forest
Volume 36L
Background Aqua Soil-Africana
Lighting PL 36*2
Filtration Eheim Classic 2213
Plants Anubias 'Petite',Taxiphyllum sp. Flame,Crepidomanes auriculatum,Riccardia graeffei,Taxiphyllum sp. Spiky,Fissidens splachnobryoides,Taxiphyllum sp.
Animals Hyphessobrycon amandae
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