#354: 648L Aquatic Garden 神奇的世界

刘勇 福州市, China

Awards and Comments

Third Place
Creative and impactant layout!
The deep sense is very strong and overall impression is panoramic view!
The negative point is the long term maintenance.
Congratulations in my TOP5!
— Luca Galarraga
This is an amazing layout with a special rock-driftwood arrangement. It can impress any viewers for many times.
— Long Tran Hoang

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 180 × 60 × 60 cm
Title 神奇的世界
Volume 648L
Lighting 150W金卤灯*4
Filtration 过滤桶
Plants 三角莫斯,珊瑚莫斯,球藻,迷你水榕,辣椒榕
Animals 绿莲灯、黑壳虾
Materials 红千层石、杜鹃根

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