#428: 252L Paludarium 林中家园

徐泓 福州市, China

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Although beautifully designed I do not consider this a paludarium but rather a terrarium. You are missing the water portion of the paludarium.
— Bailin Shaw
The most successful part of this layout shows up in the beauty of various plants from the foreground to the background. The whole layout is covered by beautiful healthy and extremely abundant trees.
— Long Tran Hoang

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 70 × 40 cm
Title 林中家园
Volume 252L
Background 香槟树皮
Lighting 40W LED身射灯*6
Filtration 渗透溢流
Plants 积水凤梨,空气凤梨,各种莫丝,各种苔藓,狼尾蕨,团扇蕨,附生兰花,石斛,龙眼树
Animals 高冠变色龙一对
Materials 粗河沙,椰土,种植土,杜娟根,浮石,龟背石,
Additional Information 采用上部干燥,为变色龙营造生存环境,下部温润,为植物生找创造条件,底部滤水层渗透,不会积水,但保持温土为苔鲜生长提供条件。

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