Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title A Hunting Ground
Volume 300L
Background None
Lighting 150w x 3, 7 hours per day.
Filtration Eheim 2217 x 3.
Plants 1) Fissidens Fontanus
2) Eleocharis Parvula
3) Eleocharis sp mini
4) Hygrophila Pinnatifida
5) Microsorium Pteropus sp
6) Vesicularia Dubyana
7) Fantinalis antipyretica
8) Vallisneria sp
Animals 1) Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi
2) Caridina Japonica
3) Otocinclus Affinis
Materials 1) Substrate = ADA Amazonia
2) Drift Woods
3) River sand
4) Rocks collected from local river and waterfall.
Additional Information This tank carries some special meaning to me because my son Hunter was born on the day i set up this tank. That's why i named this tank "A Hunting Ground".
The work with mosses is impressive. Good balance and open space. One small negative point is the excessive shadow on the left side.
Congratulations in my TOP10!