#497: 240L Aquatic Garden Pinatifida Bridge

Vladimir Tomek Lysa nad Labem, Czech Republic


Good use of lava rock to design the bridge and creative use of the plants to soften the edges of the rock. Some additional rocks on the left could have added some depth to the aquascape and further development of the Pogostemon would add to the aquascape. Well done!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 50 × 45 cm
Title Pinatifida Bridge
Volume 240L
Background none
Lighting 4x54w T5 fluorescent tube
Filtration Eheim Professionel 3 Electronic 2078 01
Plants Bucephalandra sp.
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Flamingo'
Eleocharis sp. 'Mini'
Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Hygrophila lancea
Hygrophila pinnatifida
Limnophila hippuridoides
Marsilea hirsuta
Micranthemum umbrosum 'Monte Carlo'
Pogostemon erectus
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Rotala rotundifolia
Taxiphyllum sp. 'Flame moss'
Taxiphyllum sp. 'Spiky moss'
Animals 40x Paracheirodon simulans
10x Nannostomus marginatus
12x Caridina japonica
50x Neocaridina davidi 'Rilli Red'
Materials Lava Rock, ADA Amazonia, ADA Amazonia Powder
Additional Information ADA Power Sand SPECIAL M, ADA Green Brighty - STEP 2 (500ml)

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