Dimensions 100 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Season I The coming of The Rain
Volume 220L
Background White , use of light to reflect the blue color of the wall behind for deep underwater feeling
Lighting X5units of T8 LEd tube lamps 24watts,120cm each & 3 units of 12 watts Led T8 tube 6ocm.
10hrs per day.
Filtration Canister filter, Boyu EFU 45 , with UV light
Plants fissidens fontanus,criptocorine brown,criptocorine bekettii,criptocorine balansae,eleocharis acicularis,flame moss,willow moss,anubias var.nana, anubias pettite,microsorum pteropus,microsorumpteropus narrow leaf,tortula ruralis.
Animals 6 Hyphessobrycon eques
Materials DIY growbed susbstrate power up with ADA bacter 100,
Natural river smooth gravel, natural river sand brown on bottom, cosmetic white sugar sand, Etnic purple rocks, water sypress driftwood.
Additional Information FErtilization: By IE method
Co2, pressurized ADA system.
Inspiered on the Mixteco River of my home town region, with a soft touch of the amazon white sand rivers, this layout was made to interpretated the first season of rain after the long hot months with lack of water, at the point of the first rains, the river starts a change into beauty, what was dry and dark brown slowly starts to turn in to live green colors, diferent terrestrail moss and palustres plants and for sure aquatic plants make there way back to enhance the river with live colors. This is the Season one of the Mixteco river and The coming of the rain.