#570: 365L Paludarium 秘境寻踪

罗竟学 北京, China


Gorgeous bromedliads and integration of the background and wood. I would like to see the water portion of the tank developed more to complement the excellent job done on the land portion. Very nice!
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 45 × 90 cm
Title 秘境寻踪
Volume 365L
Background 软木树皮及发泡胶粘种植介质
Lighting 格林德-led-90*1
Filtration EH潜水泵-600*1
Plants 积水凤梨,铁皮石斛,石豆兰,树眼莲,纽扣蕨,狼尾蕨,大灰藓,棒棒藓,小白发藓等
Animals 华西雨蛙,三角灯,玫瑰扯旗
Materials 沉木、溪石

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