#302: 315L Aquatic Garden Untitled

Sim Kian Hong Senai, Malaysia


A Great layout but the transition between the middle ground to background is too crowded. plants and mosses a lot. It would be great to see more hardscape in this area.
— André Longarço

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 60 × 35 cm
Title Untitled
Volume 315L
Background None
Lighting MH 150w x 3
Filtration Eheim 2217 x 3 with ADA Bio rio
Plants 1) Anubias Barteri var. nana
2) Bolbitis heudelotii
3) Fissidens Fontanus
4) Eleocharis Parvula
5) Hygrophila Pinnatifida
6) Rotala Rotunlifolia
7) Bolbitis sp green
8) Microsorium Pteropus sp.
9) Riccardia Chamedryfolia
10) Taxiphyllum sp
11) Vesicularia Dubyana
12) Bucephalandra sp
Animals 1) Trigonostigma Espei (about 20)
2) Hyphessobrycon Amandae (about 20)
3) Caridina Japonica (about 10)
4) Otocinclus Affinis (about 5)
Materials 1) Self collected rocks from river
2) self collected sand from river
3) ADA Amazonia

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