#321: 336L Paludarium 天空之城

刘勇 (Liuyong) FUzhou (福州), China

Awards and Comments

Second Place
Good work very dramatic but the use of too many driftwood behind the rocks gives to layout too much verticality.
— André Longarço

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 140 × 80 × 160 cm
Title 天空之城
Volume 336L
Lighting 40W LED灯*10 36W UVB10.0*2
Filtration 过滤桶*2
Plants 大灰藓,天湖葵,狼尾蕨,球兰,小水榕,虎耳草,积水凤梨
Animals 虎皮鱼,七彩变龙(玛莎奥雷)
Materials 溪石,沉木,杜鹃根

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