#387: 18000L Paludarium 栁栐森林

刘勇 (Liuyong) FUzhou (福州), China

Awards and Comments


Very impressive and huge layout. I like the natural sensation but I miss more big bushes of plants to complete the hole between the driftwoods. Amazing job congratulations.
— André Longarço

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 1800 × 300 × 500 cm
Title 栁栐森林
Volume 18000L
Lighting 100*40W LED灯
Filtration 大型池塘过滤
Plants 积水凤梨,石松,鹿角蕨,龟背竹,绿萝,富贵蕨类,狼尾蕨,大灰藓,鸟巢蕨
Animals 原生溪鱼
Materials 大型沉木,树藤,溪石

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