#126: 185L Aquatic Garden Way to Valhalla

Lafaiete Reis Franco Aracaju, Brazil

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 90 × 50 × 45 cm
Title Way to Valhalla
Volume 185L
Background ligth paint
Lighting power led 150w
Filtration eheim ecco 2234
Plants Staorogyne repens, pogostemon helferi, eleocharis japan, buchepalandra sp., Ludwigia arcuata, limnophila "vietnan", fissidens fontanus, weeping moss, peacok moss, luwigia sp. Mini red, anubia nana, nesaea pedicellata, myriophyllum matrogrossense “amano”, micranthemum sp. “monte carlo”, Hemianthus callitrichoides “cuba".
Animals 30 Paracheirodon simulans
Materials Dragon stones, roots, sand, la plata sand.
Additional Information Fertilization: ocean tech plant grow lite.
CO2: 02 bubbles per second.

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