Dimensions 101 × 41 × 53 cm
Title Dutch Variations
Volume 190L
Background black paint
Lighting Ferplast Dubai 100 original lighting fixture 2x39W t5HO, Philips TDL lamps, 6500K with JBL reflectors
Filtration JBL CristalProfi e901
Plants Valisneria sp. "Tiger", Hygrophila corymbosa stricta, Didiplis diandra, Vesicularia dubyana "Christmass"on driftwood, Rotala rotundifolia, Bacopa carolineana, Pogostemon erectus, Staurogyne repens, Nymphaea rubra, Microsorum pteropus "Windelow", Hemianthus micranthemoides, Hottonia palustris, Hydrocotyle leucocephala
Animals Hyphessobricon eques (x25) Corydoras panda (x10) Yamato Numa-Ebi (x10) Neocaridina davidi var. red (n) Clea helena (n)
Materials driftwood; quartz gravel (fraction 3-5 mm), no fancy substrates
Additional Information The tank: Ferplast Dubai 100. The substrate is plain gravel - no fertilizers in it. Fertilization goes through water column: VIMI Micro, VIMI Solo N, VIMI Solo P, VIMI Solo K, VIMI Solo Fe, VIMI Stimulator; pressurized CO2 - 3-5 bps. Microbe-Lift Special blend 15 ml after each water change. Water changes - 80L a week (tap water), water hardness is approximately 10-12kH (JBL tests), no RO water is used. Water temperature is maintained at +26C (Ferplast Blueclima heater).
However a few tips to make it score better:
- the front part of the tank remains too empty now and thus shows a line of gravel that is not nice to look at.
- the bacopa is placed to much towards the centre. They look great but could be placed a bit better.
- The didplis and hygrophyla are the same width and placed behind each other. This gives the left side a "squared look" now.