#228: 481L Biotope Aquascape tanganyika Kalemie coast

fatih çetinkaya merkez, Turkey


Another attractive cichlid tank that falls just slightly short of being a biotope. When making a Rift Lake biotope one must consider the location where the fish are located in the lake and what sort of habitat they prefer. It's equivalent to making an "Amazon Biotope" vs. a Rio Atrata backwater biotope. Also the plants don't add anything to the feeling of this being accurate.
— Phil Edwards

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 125 × 70 × 55 cm
Title tanganyika Kalemie coast
Volume 481L
Background Handmade backdrop and hand design with natural stones
Lighting 4*5=54 watt philips t5 6500k day light
150 watt halogen generator
Filtration fluval fx 5
Plants Elodea
Animals frontosa mpimbwe 5 piece 4 cm fry
neolamprologus leleupi 2 female 2 male
altomprologus sp sumbu shell 1 male 1 female
neolamprologus meleagrıs 2 female 1 male

Materials My little tanganyika world
I gathered stones from the nature and buried these stones in a beautiful way on small coral scabbard. It is a region where a few branches eledoa plant is planted snail shells. It was a nice setup from the standpoint of

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