#279: 41L Aquatic Garden Sense of Nature

Jirapong Laopiyasakul Pattaya, Thailand

Awards and Comments

First Place
What a lovely layout! I feel like I'm inside the forest. Very detailed and careful work. Maybe the reflections could be more worked and the weak point is the blue rock in the right side... What is the purpose of this rock? But very impressive job. Congratulations.
— André Longarco
Beautifully done forest layout. Congrats!
— Kam Wong
Excellent forest scape. The dusting of green on the wood combined with the detail and the nice mixing of plants and mosses make this scene very natural.
— Shawn McBride

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 30 × 30 cm
Title Sense of Nature
Volume 41L
Background none
Lighting Chihiros A-Series * 2
Filtration Eheim 2213
Plants Vesicularia ferriei / Fissidens fontanus / Hyophila involuta / Fontinalis Antipyretica / Plagiomnium Trichomanes / Taxiphyllum sp. Flame / Riccardia graeffei / Fissidens Nobilis / Fissidens splachnobryoides / Taxiphyllum sp. Spiky / Fissidens Zippelianus / Crepidomanes auriculatum / Limnophila heterophylla
Animals Least rasbora
Materials local driftwood and river rocks

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