Dimensions 120 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Oshino Hakkai(Eight Seas) 忍野八海 おしのはっかい
Volume 300L
Background white
Lighting T8(36W) X 6
Filtration AQUAONE 1250 X 3
Plants Glossostigma elationides Benth
Bucephalandra sp.
Ludwigia brevipes
Riccardia chamedryfolia
Fissidens Fontanus
Vesicularia filicinum,
Weeping Moss,
Cryptocoryne parva,
Echinodorus tenellus,
Hygrophila sp.
Heteranthera zosterifolia
Microsuinm sp.
Rotala rotundifolia Green
Rotala rotundifolia Red
Animals Hi-Spot Rasbora
Caridina japonica
Materials Hakkai Stone
Additional Information This Inspiration is from the famous Japan site call Oshino Hakkai near the Fuji mountain, with Eight beautiful water pools with extremely nice water plants inside... which is already a very nice underwater scene and aquasacpe in every pool created by the Nature.