#360: 65L Aquatic Garden The Twin Peaks 二駝峰

Ray Lee New Taipei City, Taiwan


Top Ten

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 36 cm
Title The Twin Peaks 二駝峰
Volume 65L
Background none
Lighting ONF FLAT ONE - LED Lighting
Filtration ADA ES-300
Plants 1.Rotala rotundifolia green
2.Rotala sp colorata
3.Ludwigia glandulosa
4.Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'
5.Eleocharis yokoscensis
6.Vesicularia sp.
Animals 1.Pseudomugil sp. 'Red Neon'
2.Otocinclus vittatus
3.Caridina multidentata
4.Neocarindina denticulate sinensis var red
Materials Ryuoh stone
Additional Information “二駝峰”是透過2座幽靜且頂著翠紗帽的山頭相互對望所呈現的石景作品,以青龍石為主要的硬景構圖,搭配迷你矮珍珠和紅、綠宮廷草譜出雙峰之間的山言草語,再以淺色細砂和牛毛氈混三角莫絲來輔助,展現好似雙峰駝般的山形,山谷間溪流蔓延至湖畔,幽靜伴著楓紅和綠意的二駝峰。

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