#564: 360L Biotope Aquascape ORINOCO

Javier Alonso Lecuna mexico city, Mexico


The fish and water color are right you were correct to leave out plants. However the driftwood arrangement is not natural looking.
— Karen Randall
While technically a biotope in the sense that the fish could potentially be found together in the wild the hardscape arrangement follows traditional aquascaping techniques rather than giving a more natural impression. It is still a well done tank and ranked fairly highly with me.
— Phil Edwards

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 60 × 50 cm
Volume 360L
Background black foam
Lighting kessil A 80 2 t5 x 54w
Filtration canister
Animals 50 hemigrammus rhodostomus 70 paracheirodon axelrodi 2 mikrogeophagus ramirezi
Materials driftwood, sand, river rock, almond leaf.
Additional Information biotope that recreates an area of ​​the Orinoco river that has the peculiarity of having dark waters by the organic matter that it contains, creating an ideal place for the proliferation of species such as the paracheirodon axelrodi.

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