#576: 243L Aquatic Garden VISION

Kwong King Man, Harry Kowloon, Hong Kong


Love the colours and the fish choice... good job
— Kam Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 120 × 45 × 45 cm
Volume 243L
Lighting Opnova EZ600 (RGB LED) x 2
Filtration Ehiem 2217 x 2
Plants 1. Limnophila sp gold
2. Hygrophila Pinnatifida
3. Ludwigia palustris "super red"
4. Rotala macrandra 'mini"
5. Blyxa japonica
6. Cryptocoryne parva
7. Cryptocoryne wendtii "green"
8. Hydrocotyle tripartita sp mini
9. Rotala rotundifolia "red"
10. Rotala rotundifolia 'Green'
11. Rotala rotundifolia "pink"
12. Ludwigia plaustris
13. Microsorium pteropus Trident
14. Riccardia chamedryfolia / Coral moss
15. Lomariopsis lineata
16. Heteranthera zosterifolia
17. Rotala sp. "bangladesh"
18. Hemianthus callitrichoides
19. Staurogyne sp. "Brown"
20. Bucephalandra
Animals Sawbwa resplendens

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