#584: 150L Biotope Aquascape Under the trees.

Neil Whitley Harlow, United Kingdom


The hardscape and fish could certainly come from a lowland portion of the river. The Bucephalandra and Microsorium however prefer fast flowing water.
— Phil Edwards
Nice design for your chocolate gouramis. The ferns and Bucephalandra are not usually found submersed.
— Bailin Shaw

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 75 × 45 × 45 cm
Title Under the trees.
Volume 150L
Background Plain brown background.
Lighting 20w Current Satellite Plus PRO.
3x Ikea JANSJÖ spot lights
Filtration JBL E1500
Plants Microsorum sp
Bucephalandra sp
Cryptocoryne bullosa
Cryptocoryne lingua
Animals 6 Sphaerichthys osphromenoides
15 Sundadanio axelrodi blue
8 Desmopuntius pentazona
Materials Prunus spinosa wood,to resemble tree roots.
JBL ProScape PlantSoil brown,to resemble muddy/detritus substrate.
Leaves and botanicals.
Additional Information Minor tributary Kapuas basin

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