#612: 34L Biotope Aquascape Small natural lake near Vinnytsia city, Ukraine

Valeriy Shylenko Vinnytsia, Ukraine


This is a wonderful example of a local biotope. Unfortunately the poor condition of the fish (hollow bellies) and the plants (a lot of deteriorating foliage) really hurts it.
— Karen Randall
This aquarium gives the impression of a lake shore. Collecting locally can be a lot of fun and gives the aquarist a strong example to work from. However one must be careful to let all of the plants grow in to display healthy foliage or remove the unhealthy/damaged leaves and stems.
— Phil Edwards

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 62 × 22 × 25 cm
Title Small natural lake near Vinnytsia city, Ukraine
Volume 34L
Background Deep blue paper and a large piece of alder bark covered with moss (placed ouside of tank)
Lighting 1 led lamp 6 Wt (4000 K), daytime period - 14,5 hours (8:00-22:30)
Filtration 1 Aquael fan mini 2 internal filter, filtration material - sintepon
Plants Ceratophyllum demersum, Nuphar lutea, Lemna trisulca, Lemna minor, Batrachium aquatile, Potamogeton lucens, Potamogeton nodosus
Animals Leucaspius delineatus (2 pcs), Perca fluviatilis (3 pcs), Rhodeus amarus (2 pcs); Notonecta glauca, Dytiscus marginalis; Sphaerium rivicolum L, Physa fontinalis, Lymnaea stagnalis
Materials substrate - silt, large piece of driftwood, small branches and roots, oak and alder leaves, all from the lake
Additional Information The lake Houralnya (means "distillery" in Ukrainian), represented in my biotope tank, is located in the park zone to the north of Vinnytsia city.
The lake is relatively small, water into Houralnya comes from several streams and underground springs and is good for living organisms. Chemical parameters of water, however, are unstable and depend on seasons and weather (rainfalls, droughts, volume of water brought by streams).
The lake is shallow, water near the shores is heated up well, this contributes to the explosive growth of vegetation in summer. The shoreline is filled heavily with fallen leaves and tree branches (this reminds a blackwater river).
Everything (including water at the biotope launch) was taken directly from the lake
The biotope aquarium represents the lake in the middle of July

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