#654: 540L Aquatic Garden 神木涧

阮文林 南宁, China

Awards and Comments

Top Ten
Awesome and imposing layout. The proportion of this work is monumental. Perfect and detailed job. The closed sides direct our view to the main tree. At the same time the both voids give perspective to layout. Maybe if the big tree was in the golden ratio the layout could be more interesting maybe. Congratulations.
— André Longarco
Beautifully crafted Scape.. Great work of art!
— Kam Wong

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 60 × 60 cm
Title 神木涧
Volume 540L
Lighting T5HO 80W*6
Filtration 底缸循环过滤
Plants 珊瑚莫丝,三角莫丝,怪蕨莫丝,火焰莫丝,趴地珍珠,蓝精灵,天湖葵,迷你水榕,黑木蕨
Animals 三角灯,迷彩胡子,巧克力娃娃,大和藻虾,黑金刚螺
Materials 松皮石,木纹石,杜鹃根,沉木,樨根

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