#751: 300L Aquatic Garden Eden Garden

Samuel Lambert Arlon, Belgium

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 110 × 90 × 60 cm
Title Eden Garden
Volume 300L
Background Black UV filter
Lighting Chihiros LED:
1 x A901
2 X A501
7 hour per day
Filtration Externe/external:
Fluval 406 1450L per hour(theorical)
+ brewing pump 1800 L per hour
Plants 1. Micranthemum Monte Carlo
2. Hydrocotyle Tripartita
3. Staurogyne Repens
4. Rotala Bonsai
5. Hygrophila Corymbosa
6. Bucephalandra Wavy Green
7. Anubias Var. 'nana'
8. Bolbitis Heudelotii
9. Microsorum Var ' Trident'
10. Ludwigia 'Rubin'
11. Pogostemon Stellata
12. Anubia Nana Var 'Bonsai'
13. Taxiphyllum Spiky
14. Vesicularia Dubyana 'Christmas'
Animals Tetra cardinalis
Hemigrammus boesemani
Colisa Lalia
Some species of caridinas
Materials Wood: spider root
Stones: Seiryu Stones
Additional Information Corner tank 300L
Fertilisation: EI (50% water change per week, dry nutrients)
pH : 6.6
GH: 4
KH: 3
NO3: 10
PO4: 1
Fe: 0.05
K: 16+
SIO2: 3

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