Dimensions 48 × 18 × 21 cm
Title DB Canyon
Volume 284L
Background white paint
Lighting DIY LED, usually set around 30 PAR at substrate level
Filtration Canister filter
Plants Hemianthus callitrichoides, Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping', Sagittaria subulata, Echinodorus little mystery, Echinodorus reni, Anubias nana, Anubias afzelii, Cryptocoryne lucens, Eleocharis acicularis 'mini', Utricularia graminifolia, micro bolbitis, Tillandsia spp., Davallia Fejeensis, Nephrolepis 'mini', selaginella sp., Philodendron 'mini red', Ophiopogon japonicus, Orchids
Animals 2 Cynops orientalis, Corydoras pygmaeus, Boraras maculatus, Neocaridina heterododa
Materials Black lava rock, sand, locally collected driftwood
Additional Information filter is hidden in hardscape and was running at the time photos were taken. there are also LED lights behind the tank that color shift, creating an aura effect cast on the wall behind the tank. these were turned off for the photo.