#21: 189L Aquatic Garden

Dave Gomberg San Francisco, United States


I like the jungle approach as the owner describes it. The contrast between empty space and planted area does well. The jungle has a nice 'structure'.
— Wim van Drongelen
This is a different style of tank than many of the others but one I really admire. It is a stable long-term tank that proves its stability by the healthy plant growth and the un-aided successful reproduction of the residents! The aquarist has chosen mostly slower growing plant species that may be less "showy" than some high light/fast growth species but also allow the aquarist more time to enjoy the tank while spending less time on maintenance. While the aquarist claims to do minimal maintenance the amount that they do is clearly enough to maintain balance in the tank. From the standpoint of showing an entry in a competition I would not purposely include photos of damaged or struggling plants. Honesty is a noble quality but it's OK to "show" your tank to best advantage!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 91 × 46 × 56 cm
Volume 189L
Background black plastic
Lighting 2x95w cf
Filtration UGF w/50 gph powerhead
Plants Echinodorus "rose";
Echinodorus "rubin";
Cryptocoryne "MiOya";
Sagittaria subulata;
Microsorum pteropus;
M. p. "Windelov";
Hygrophila angustifolia;
Cryptocoryne parva
Animals Black Ruby barbs;
Crossocheilus siamensis;
Corydoras aneus "green";
Otocinclus sp.
Materials Substrate: Turface MVP;
Driftwood (covered with plants)
Additional Information Tropica MasterGrow, KNO3, K2SO4, Ca+Mg, Schultz African Violet food

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