Dimensions 91 × 38 × 56 cm
Volume 189L
Background None
Lighting (2) 55w PC fluorescents, 6700K, 10 hours
Filtration trickle/sump
Plants Hottonia, C. wendtii, C. undulata, Dwarf Lilly, Dwarf E. tenellus,
C. balansae, H. corymbosa, R. macrandara, Hemianthus sp.,
C. willissii, E. rose, E. ozelot, Riccia fluitans,
Anubias coffeafolia, Aponogeton crispus
Animals Pearl gourami, Fespes Rasobora, Otocinclus, Caradina japonica (Amano Shrimp),
Corydorus paleatus
Materials Driftwood, 2" Washed River Gravel, Flourite Substrate
Additional Information This tank was recently stripped and re-aquascaped.
The Crypt. willissii in the foreground are given center
stage but will likely take a year to establish a strong stand.