#27: 108L Aquatic Garden

Ilyas Aydemir Samsun, Turkey


Very nice design with the open foreground 'wedge'.
— Wim van Drongelen
This is an attractive tank but would be nicer with less variety both in hardscaping (different types of rocks) and plants and fish. I had to take points off for both selection and viability because of the fish selection. There are cool water fish mixed with warm water fish and too many species of schooling fish which are happier in large groups of their own kind.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 80 × 30 × 45 cm
Volume 108L
Background woods, gravel and rocks photos (commercial)
Lighting four 18 watt Gro-Lux fluorescent bulbs. Lighting period is 12 hours/day, to prevent algae at noon only one of the bulbs is left on for 2 hours.
Filtration Eheim-2213 External filter.
Plants Anubias barteri nana, Bacopa caroliniana, Cryptocoryne willisii "lucens",
Crypt. beckettii, Echinodorus amazonicus, Eleocharis sp., Echinodorus subulatus, Fontinalis antipyretica,
Hygrophila corymbosa, Hygrophila polysperma, Hygrophila difformis, Hydrocotyle vulgaris,
Ludwigia repens, Microsorum pteropus, Java Moss, Polygonum sp., Valisneria natans
Animals Neon tetra, white cloud mountain minnow, Cherry Barb,
Lemon Tetra, Flame Tetra, Black Neon, Silver Tip Tetra,
Glowlight Tetra, Rosy Barb, Red Eye Tetra, Indian Algae Eater,
Bronze Cat (albino form)
Materials Quartz gravel substrate with laterite, Bogwood, rocks.
Additional Information Sides: tank's left and right are closed.
CO2: DIY dual-bottle setup
Fertilization: Home made solid fertilizer which is
mixed in with the substrate and liquid fertilizer (PMDD),
"Pokon" plant food spikes (10-2-8).
Water Parameters: pH 6.5-7.0, GH 13, KH 6, NO2 0, NO3 15 ppm, CO2 30 mg/L
Water Changes: At least 15% per week
Heating (in winter): Heater-thermostat (about 100 watts).

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