#6: 100L Aquatic Garden

dennis chua singapore, Singapore


Beautiful picture. I would find another place for the Ludwigia (and the thermometer); an open space would create depth in the picture. I am impressed by the red lotus.
— Wim van Drongelen
I love the bright splash of the Nymphaea in this tank but the layout could use a little more balance and focus. Still an obviously healthy well-maintained tank!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 75 × 37 × 37 cm
Volume 100L
Background black color card stock
Lighting compact flourescent 36w x2 (one 4000K, one 6000K)
Filtration Ehiem Pro2222 canister
Plants [1] Vallisneria americana
[2] Hygrophila polysperma ‘Rosanervig’
[3] Nymphaea lotus (Red)
[4] Ludwigia repens
[5] Sagittaria subulata
[6] Echinodorus tenellus
[7] Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia
[8] Cryptocoryne parva
[9] Hygrophila difformis

Animals Otocinclus arnoldi,
Crossocheilus siamensis (SAE),
Caridina japonica (Yamato shrimp),
Rasbora heteromorpha (Harlequin),
Paracheirodon innesi (Neon Tetra).
Materials substrate : Lonestar 2mm diameter quartz sand
Additional Information Fertilization : Dupla latrite, Dupla plant tab and daily trace mix, suppliment with extra K2SO4.
Dupla CO2 system.

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