#34: 63L Aquatic Garden

Toh Keng Lam Bendemeer Road, Singapore


A beautiful picture. The overall impression would improve if the composition was less symmetrical
— Wim van Drongelen
This tank is in vibrant good health with sparkling clear water and healthy fish. The design however is a little "blocky" with the alternating high and low sections of plants. Still it is a lovely tank.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 35 cm
Volume 63L
Background Rock wall ( Styrofoam)
Lighting 1 x 15W (ADA) , 1 x 18 W (NEC)
Filtration Internal filter, EHEIM 2006
Plants Bacopa cardiniana, Sagittaria subulata kurziana, Taiwan moss, Echinodorus tenellus, Bacopa monnieri, Hydrocotyle vulgaris, Rotala rotundifolia, Blyxa novoguineensis (with blossoming flowers)
Animals Jewel Tetra, Siamese Algae Eater, Dwarf Gourami, Ram, Green eye, Badis Badis, Caridina japonicas, Red Rasbora, platy, Dwarf sucker catfish, brown-tailed pencilfish and rainbow fish.
Materials 3 pieces of Driftwoods with Taiwan moss.
Additional Information This aquascape has been successfully set up and maintained for 1.5 years using Dennerle programmed water care method with it's respective mineral substrate, nutrients, fertilizers and active substances. Karbon buff & Nitrivec is also added as supplements for KH & pollutant removal.
C02 is regulated to 1 bubble / 2 sec (PH = 6.8)and added into water via diffuser, timing is same as the combined 33 watts lighting of 11 hrs/day. Temperature is maintained at room temp. of 29 deg C and lights are cooled by an external mini exhaust fan. Internal filter is 'on' after dark when lights and CO2 are 'off' for the plants to take a rest after photosynthesis, it disperses the C02 as well as removes waste.
25% of water is changed once a week and regular pruning of plants are required to maintain a balanced aquatic 'paradise' for the fishes.

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