Dimensions 51 × 25 × 25 cm
Volume 38L
Background black garbage bag
Lighting 2x17watt bright kit retro kittor
Filtration 1 Wisper junior for water movement
Plants Hygrophila-corymbosa, polysperma "sunset"
Cryptocoyne sp.
Cabomba caroliana
Microsorum pteropus (java fern)
Animals Rasbora heteromorpha (Harlequin rasbora)
Otocinclus sps.
Ancistrus sp.
1 horseface loach
a ghost shrimp
and a lone danio that I haven't been able to net out of the tank yet (very fast)
Materials I use regular aquarium gravel, with a little bit of garden soil in the bottom. I used 2 rocks (from my garden) to set the java fern on.
Additional Information I use a DIY yeast bottle that is taken into the whisper filter to absorb the CO2. I have 15 rasboras in the tank and about 4 ottos and an ancistrus. My favorite tank so far.
While it does not directly affect the placing (or judging) of the tank it is better to try to photograph a tank at night with all other lights nearby turned off. This will help prevent some of the reflections seen in these photos.