#40: 567L Aquatic Garden

John Glaeser Madison, United States


Timid was the first word that came to mind while viewing the clouded over-all photo. Not an accurate adjective for such a large public undertaking I think! All the close up photos show bright foliage and a diverse selection but the aquascaping needs development. Over all a good collectors tank but not my cup of tea.
— Jeff Kropp
Due to the intertwining groups the tank gives a natural impression.
— Wim van Drongelen
To much plant species to provide a suitable chemo type of water. Ceratophyllum nees a high KH and pH. Mayaca needs CO2-input and a low pH. Vallisneria needs Ca at its roots. many plants prefer NH4 as a nitrogen source. If you add potassium you ought to be able to measure it (certainly at a botany department). Besides some of the plants need seasons (=temp. and light-intensity) (Aponogeton). Some of them life permanently submers others only occasionally. To show this at a Botany department does not meet the goal of Harmonious diversity. Some species will outcompete the others for instance the Nymphaea.
— Pim Wilhelm
Everything in the tank looks quite healthy though some plants look like they could use a bit more food. The aquascape could use a little better planning.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 152 × 61 × 61 cm
Volume 567L
Background black
Lighting Four each JBJ Lighting Systems, Formosa compact fluorescent, twin tube 24" fixtures. Each fixture mounted with one 55watt, 5300K bulb and one 55 watt 4800K bulb. 14-hour photoperiod.
Filtration Two Duettos 100, providing water circulation. One unit is positioned in the back, left, bottom corner next to the heater. This helps to distribute warm water diagonally through the lower part of the water column. The second unit is located near the top right corner and is close to a NutraMatic feeder.
Plants 1 Anubias barteri, 2 Aponogeton crispus, 3 Aponogeton natans, 4 Barclaya longifolia, 5+6 Bacopa caroliniana, 7 Ceratophyllum demersum, 8 Crinum thianum, 9 Cryptocoryne balansae, 10 C. walkeri, 11 C. wendtii, 12 Didiplis diandra, 13 Echinodorus tenellus, 14 E. hormani, 15 E. amazonicus, 16 Eleocharis acicularis, 17 E. vivipara, 18 Glossostigma elatinoides, 19 Hemianthus micranthemoides, 20 Heteranthera zosterifolia, 21 Hydrocotyle leucocephala, 22 Hydrocotyle verticillata, 23 Hygrophgila difformis, 24 Isotes lacustris, 25 Lilaeopsis, 26 Limnophila indica, 27 Marsilea quadrifolia, 28 Mayaca fluitans, 29 Microsorum pteropus, 30 Myriophyllum aquaticum, 31 M. simulans, 32 Najas indica, 33 Nymphaea lotus THAI, 34 N. lotus rubra, 35 Riccia fluitans, 36 Rotala rotundifolia, 37 Vallisneria spiralis, 38 Vesicularis dubyana, 39 Saggitaria subulata
Animals Ancistrus dolichopterus, Aphyosemion australe, Jordanella floridae, Otocinclus, Rasbora heteromorpha, Siamese Algae Eaters.
Materials Substrate layers: Bottom layer = 1 1/2" mix of one part topsoil and one part red flint aquarium gravel. Top layer = 1 1/2" mix of Terralit, Turface and red flint aquarium gravel. One 20 inch long driftwood branch, vertically positioned to support a cluster of Microsorum pteropus at far right back corner.
Additional Information Compressed CO2 with controller provides pH 7.00 and approximately 15 mg/L CO2 in the water column. I test for ison, nitrate and phosphate weekly, adding Yamato Green supplements, potassium nitrate and phosphate as needed. My nutrient level goal is 0.25 mg/L iron, 20 mg/L nitrate and 1 mg/L phosphate.

Title: Transitions
Goal: Harmonious diversity
Method: Allowing plant groups to intertwine along their contacting edges
Style: Sense of freedom, fluidity and process
Illusion: A wilderness to be explored
Installation: Within the atrium of Birge Hall, home of the Department of Botany at the University of Wisconsin in Madison
Purpose: The aquarium is part of an exhibit on aquatic plant evolution, emphasizing the multiple origins of the aquatic habit, evolutionary convergence on particular leaf morphologies and growth forms, and adaptive radiation of closely related species into different growth forms and ecologies. Nearly 40 species and 22 families are displayed.

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