#54: 472L Aquatic Garden

Molly Leonard Rochester, United States


The first impression is a somewhat overcrowded aquarium. However the plants and fish seems healthy; probably the water changes play a role in this.
— Wim van Drongelen
This is a pretty tank but looks like it could be just a little better fed. The color of some of the plants as well as the leaf size and internode length in some cases makes me think that they could use a bit of a boost.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 183 × 46 × 61 cm
Volume 472L
Background A black garbage bag.
Lighting Ice cap 660 and two 72" VHO bulbs, so 320 watts in all.
Filtration A Fluval 404 with filter pads, some Bio-cylinders, a healthy colony of refugee snails (Prometheus chased them into hiding), and not much else.
Plants Amazon Sword (Two, big), Anacharis, Anubias, Asian Ambulia, Dwarf Hairgrass, 'Dwarf' Onion Grass, Dwarf Sag, Giant Hygro, Glossostigma, Java Fern, Lili Grass, Pennywort, Red Temple, Rotala Indica (?), Rotala Magenta, Sunset Hygro, Tall Sag, Water Sprite, Water Wisteria, Wendtii Crypt?, Willow Moss
Animals 20 Boesmani Rainbows of varying ages (All ~1 to 2 inches), 5 true SAEs, 2 Pl*cos (Very small), 1 Sunset Platy deserat;y trying to reproduce, and fry, assorted juvenile Black Mollies, Bala Shark (Joe), Yoyo Loach (Prometheus), and 8 Trilineatus Cories (Aren't they great?)
Materials There's a piece of driftwood on the left covered in Willow Moss, a piece of Bogwood on which I'm cultivating some of the soft, pretty green algae no one eats, and two red rocks which tend to move based on my mood. The substrate's pure Flourite.
Additional Information Fertilization is mostly random but when the Swords start looking droopy, they get a couple of Lily Pond Tablets. The Giant Hygros gets one too, since it seems to be the only way to keep those guys growing! CO2 is Yeast + Sugar, and I do way more water changes than I probably should - $0% one or two times a week.

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