#43: 35L Biotope/Natural Aquaria

Segev Malool Orinda, United States


I like the design philosophy.
— Wim van Drongelen
You are to be commended for entering a contest like this at your young age! You have presented an interesting concept. On the other hand I think you will learn a bit more about caring for your plants in years to come. Your Java Ferns would be happier tied to stones or driftwood than planted in the substrate and all your plants need to grow up a bit before they are ready to make a good showing. This is a great first try for someone your age though. I bet it will become really beautiful if you keep working on it!
— Karen Randall
probably misunderstood the concept
plants(Anubias & Pteropus & Echinodorus) not properly planted (too deep).
— Pim Wilhelm

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 51 × 25 × 28 cm
Volume 35L
Background none
Lighting 2x13w cf
Filtration Mini Aquaclear
Plants Java fern, Anubias, Salvinia, Lobelia
Animals Copepods, hydra
Materials Smooth river stones
Additional Information Turface substrate

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