#51: 374L Aquatic Garden

Ruben Arturo Silhy San Salvador, El Salvador


This is a pretty tank and a good example of how beautifully discus do in a well-planted tank. Unfortunately the dark photos make it very difficult to assess the tank. I suspect it shows much better in person but we can only judge what we see and these photos have large sections of deep shadow.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 150 × 50 × 50 cm
Volume 374L
Background Black paper
Lighting 1x4 General Electric plant and aquarium
Filtration Power filter bio wheel penguin 330 and aquaclear 220
powerhead with CO2 injection via yeast method (home-made).
Plants 1. Rotala rotundifolia, 2. Ceratophyllum submersum,
3. Lotus green, 4. Lotus stellata, 5. Lotus red,
6. Vallisneria spiralis, 7. Hydrocotyle leucocephala,
8. Sagittaria platyphylla, 9. Echinodorus blehri,
10. E. osiris, 11. E. uruguayensis, 12. Hygrophila polysperma,
13. H. difformis, 14. H. gigante, 15. Cryptocoryne wendtii brown
Animals Pair of discus red turquoise, Pair of Geophagus steindachneri,
twelve Hemigrammus ocellifer (head and tail light tetra),
six flame tetra, two clown loaches, two Brochis splendens,
Farlowella, three False siamese algae eater, three
black molly, two pair of Colisa lalia (dwarf gourami)

Materials Bog wood (my discus live in a wood cave), Lava river
rocks, Round river rocks, Substrate: Clay, laterite gravel, and sand.
Additional Information Photos taken with ASA 400 Fuji film (without magenta

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