Dimensions 152 × 46 × 51 cm
Volume 378L
Background black plastic
Lighting 220 watts of compact flourscent (2/ea. 5000k & 2/ea. 6500k)
Filtration Fluval 404 external canister filter
Plants Java fern, water fern, Heteranthera zosterifolia, Crypt balansae, sunset hygrow, anubia, Nymphaea lotus, hornwort,Aponogeton undulatus, Bacopa
Animals 1 Melanoteania boesemani,3 Melaneteania hebertaxelrodi,1 Glossolepis incisus,3 Chilathernia bleheri,1 Melaneteania trifasciata,
1 Melaneteania praecox,6 SAE's
Materials 2.5 inches of 3mm quartz gravel, 1 driftwood log
Additional Information Dupla laterite & heat cables used throughout substrate, Co2 injected into the intake of the fluval 404,Tropica Mastergrow fertilizer used as well. Add Calcium Carbonate to increase general hardness.