Dimensions 152 × 46 × 61 cm
Title Beyond the grass
Volume 454L
Background Black bristol board
Lighting 6 each 110W VHO URI Flourescents 12hr/day
Filtration 1 Eheim 2217, RO system 35GPD driping in 5+days/week with a homemade overflow draining to the basement, a few handfulls of crushed coral in the Eheim filter to help balance the hardness and PH etc.
Plants Echindorus Tenellus, Cryptocoryne Parva, Anubias barteri var.nana, Echindorus Bleheri, Echindorus Rubin, Echindorus Ozelot, Crinum Natans, Nymphaea, Vallisneria, Crypocorne Wendtii
Animals 7 Discus, 3 Cardinals,2 Rummy nose, 1 Siamensis, 3 Lemon tetras
Materials About 3-4 inches of Quartz Gravel mixed with some laterite and Flourite red. The laterite and flourite red were added over time.
Additional Information Use Seachem Iron and Potassium about every two weeks or when it looks like it needs it. CO2 using a needle valve and small powerhead 24hrs/day. Pictures taken with a Panasonic digital Video camera PV-DV-702D-K