#52: 2L Biotope Aquascape Maltese rock pool

Stephan Mifsud Paola, Malta


This aquascape gives a very natural impression along the lines of Mr. Amano's Nature Aquarium style. This aquascape appears to be an attempt at reflecting the essence of the terrestrial landcape in the photograph rather than an aquatic environment. Taken in that context it is well done. Unfortunately that is not the intent of this category and would have been better put in the Aquatic Garden category. If the intent was to recreate an aquatic environment found in the area photographed it would have been helpful to have an image of that instead of the hillside.
— Phil Edwards
I like that you shared an image of your inspiration for this layout.
— Ricky Cain
The layout could have looked better if plants in the back ground were planted.
— Takashi Amano
I love the idea of the Maltese vernal pool including the plants AND animals that would be found in one. This is an extremely specialized biotope and one I appreciate you sharing with us. To make the tank more attractive as well as an accurate biotope you might want to consider a shallower tank which would also mimic the depth of the rock pools better. As in all aquascape entries make sure your equipment is removed or hidden and glass is spotlessly clean before taking pictures!
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 30 × 20 × 20 cm
Title Maltese rock pool
Volume 2L
Background Blue Contact paper
Lighting 1 x 12watt
Filtration none
Plants Elatine gussonei (main plant)
Crassula vaillantii (right top)
Mentha pulegium (corners)
Triglochin laxiflorum (large grass like)
Glossostigma elatinoides (few remaining strands on left for size comparison)
Animals Daphnia, Ostrocods and tadpoles
Materials lime stone
Additional Information sand- soil mixture
CO2 yeast bottle
Water changes 50% every week
Fertilisation: CaNitrate, Phosphate and JBL ferropol every week

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