Dimensions 91 × 38 × 36 cm
Title Edge of the Forest
Volume 113L
Background black plastic sheet
Lighting 1x96 watt compact fluorescent light
Filtration Aquaclear 300 with sponges
Plants 1. rotala indica 2. echinodorus tenellus 3. echinodorus bleheri 4. hemiathus micranthemoides 5. "narrow leaf" microsorum pteropus 6. microsorum pteropus 7. sagittaria subulata 8. ludwigia palustris 9. nymphae lotus (zenkeri) 10. vescularia dubyana 11. eleocharis acicularis 12. anubias barteri var. nana
Animals pterophyllum scalare, paracheirodon simulans, paracheirodon axelrodi, crossocheilus siamensis, otocinclus affinis, caridina japonica
Materials 40 pounds of gravel, 3 pieces of driftwood
Additional Information The substrate is fertilized with Jobe houseplant sticks. Co2 is injected into the tank from two separate one liter bottles filled with a DIY yeast concoction. The Paracheirodon simulans were from a previous arrangement. I failed to catch them all as I transitioned into a new aquascape, so I left six or seven and they are content to shoal with my cardinal tetras. This arrangement has been up for eight months since my 13th birthday last December.