#111: 96L Aquatic Garden Far Shores

Ilyas Aydemir Samsun, Turkey


This tank is a little too rigid and unnatural for my tastes. I don't care for the hard line of the "wall". Also the twig would never survive long as driftwood.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 80 × 30 × 40 cm
Title Far Shores
Volume 96L
Background Blue background sheet
Lighting 5x18 watt fluorescent bulbs, lighting period 10 hours/day
Filtration Eheim - 2213 External filter
Plants (numbers indicate placing in planting plan) Rotala rotundifolia (5), Anubias barteri var. nana (6), Alternanthera reineckii (7), Gymnocoronis spilanthoides (8), Echinodorus maricatus (10), Riccia fluitans (2), Lilaeopsis novae-zelandae (3)
Animals Rasbora heteromorpha
Materials 1.5" special substrate under sand, brushwood, rocks (indicated as "1" on planting plan)
Additional Information Fertilization: Daily liquid regime. When needed, special home made solid fertilizer. Water changes: at least 35-40% per week. Water parameters: pH 6.5-6.8, GH 9 KH 5, NO₂ 0, NO3 5-10ppm, CO₂ 25-30 mg/l. CO₂: DIY dual-bottle setup.

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