#125: 284L Aquatic Garden Los Dios de Verde

Robert Sewell Largo, United States


Nicely executed but a little too symetrical.
— Karen Randall
Plants are well chosen for this type of layout and are lush and vibrant. Fish choice is also well done. However the single dominating black rock right in the middle of the composition ruins the entire layout. Please move that rock more to one side and add other rocks to complement it!
— Carlos Sanchez

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 122 × 46 × 43 cm
Title Los Dios de Verde
Volume 284L
Background No Background
Lighting 220W PC, 52W NO Fluoroescent
Filtration Fluval 204 w/ homeade reactor
Plants Java Fern 'narrow leaf', Blyxa Japonica, Glossostigma Elatinoides
Animals Black Veiltail Angels x 4,
Brilliant Rasbora x 7,
Harlequin Rasbora x 10,
Bristlenose Pleco x 1,
Cherry Shrimp, Ghost Shrimp
Materials Black 3M Colorquartz T grade and Zebra Rock
Additional Information Moderate ferts are used (2x weekly) with 50% weekly WC (Estimative Index).

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