Dimensions 100 × 50 × 50 cm
Title Rio Orinoco: A sunny spot in a clearwater stream
Volume 250L
Background Black blanket (fleece).
Lighting Double fluorocent lamps, 2x30 W, single fluorocent lamp 1x30 W.
Filtration Internal filter made by 10 ppi filter foam and powerhead. Heater hidden behind.
Plants 'Heteranthera zosterifolia' and 'Vesicularia dubyana'"Java moss", which substitutes 'Vesicularia sp.'"Christmas".
Animals Dicrossus filamentosus, family group;
Apistogramma hongsloi, family group;
Paracheirodon axelrodi, shoal;
Gasteropelecus sternicla, shoal;
Otocinclus macrospilus, shoal; Corydoras adolfoi, shoal.
For the time being hosting fry from Aequidens metae, from another aquarium.
Materials Stump of alder from local river.
Sand 0,8-1,2 mm (granite).
Filter foam with moss.
Leaves from beech.
Additional Information From the beginning it was a small dream of a shoal of cardinaltetras in a 100 liters. Then I was curius from where they came and what conditions they preferred. The result is a paradoxal combination between design, biotopeambition and materials available. The aim was a blackwater stream, but in time I'll get there.