Dimensions 61 × 46 × 51 cm
Title Beginner's Inspiration
Volume 140L
Lighting 15w standard fl., double strip t-52x14 watt, single strip t-5 14 watt
Filtration fluval 204 w/ sponges only
Plants anubia, aponogeton sp., red crypt sp., tall crypt sp., Didiplis diandra, dwarf hairgrass, dwarf lily, dwarf sagitaria, filigree, ludwegia sp., Madagasgar lace, moss balls, rotila indica, ruffled sword, red rubin sword, rosette sword, wisteria
Animals albino pearlscale angels, harlequin rasboras, cardinals, zebra otto cats, cory sp. pair, cory sp. pair, snowball pleco, scribble zebra pleco, zebra otto pair, amano shrimp, cherry shrimp, dwarf clawed frogs, Beckfords pencilfish
Materials flourite, 2 pieces swahala driftwood, found rocks of unknown comp.
Additional Information everything used on this tank is from Seachem using the estimative index dosing method, water movement is provided by a maxijet 400 with a hydroflow attachment. Co2 is provided by twin Nutrafin Natural plant system yeast/sugar units