#26: 180L Aquatic Garden Medieval forest

Massimo Faberi Villanuova sul Clisi, Italy


A really like this aquascape! This peaceful green toned aquarium shows interesting use of driftwood as small moss trees. My only complaints are that the round leaved carpeting plant (Micranthemum?) is spreading unevenly and a bit out of control and that the Vallisneria on the left should be replaced with something shorter or allow the Micranthemum to fill it in.
— Carlos Sanchez
I think I would have named this the "Dr. Seuss Aquascape" with all those top-knotted "trees". Certainly an innovative design.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 45 × 90 × 45 cm
Title Medieval forest
Volume 180L
Background ADA Aqua Screen Clear Blue
Lighting 4 x 35 W T5 Neon, 10 hours/day
Filtration External filter
Plants Vescicularia Dubyana, Rotala Wallichii, Rotala sp. green, Vallisneria, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Eleocharis Acicularis, Micrantheum umrosum, Hemianthus micranthenoides
Animals 10 Otocinclus affinis, 8 Crossocheilus siamensis, 2 Ancistrus, 5 Xiphophorus Maculatus, 4 Barbus conchonius, 15 Caridina japonica
Materials Ada Power Sand, ADA Malaya, Mangrovia wood, red rocks
Additional Information C02: 2 bubbles/sec.
Fertilization: ADA Brighty K, ADA ECA, ADA Step 3,
ADA Green Brighty Special LIGHTS.

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