#51: 50L Aquatic Garden Spring Scenery

Mitchell Lee Taipai, Taiwan


Good use of colorful stem plants aesthetic proportioning and balance between positive and negative space make this aquascape one of the best in its category.
— Carlos Sanchez
You have a nice design going here though it is too heavy on red for my tastes. It's too bad that you chose to add the row of Hygro down the middle of the tank. Not only is the bright pink jarring to the eye in that location but it makes little sense to use a tall fast-growing stem plant in a position like this.
— Karen Randall

Aquascape Details

Dimensions 60 × 30 × 36 cm
Title Spring Scenery
Volume 50L
Lighting 20W*4
Filtration Eheim 2213
Plants (Riccardia chamedryfolia),
(Rotala rotundifolia),
(Limnophila sp),
(Fontinalis antipyretica),
(Ludwigia brevipes),
(Eleocharis yokoscensis),
(Cryptocoryne affinis),
(Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia),
(Eleocharis sp from negro),
(Hydrophila polysperma "Rosanervig")
Animals Hemigrammus rhodostomus

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