Dimensions 250 × 50 × 60 cm
Title The promised Land
Volume 750L
Background black
Lighting 6 x 54W T5 + 6 x 36W T8 = 540W
Filtration 2 Eheim pro 2 + 1 jebo
Plants tonina belem, rotala green, ludwigia arcuata, glosostigma elantoides, didiplis diandria, eusteralis stelata, ludwigia pantanal, eusteralis wide leafs, hygrophilia sunset, ludwigia sp cuba, umbrosom
Animals Bosemani Rainbows, Cardinal tetras, SAEs, Black Mollyes, Ancistrus.
Materials black quartz 1-2 mm, drift wood & rocks.
Additional Information Chiller, automatic refill from a 220 Litter osmoza tank that fills during the week, 2 JBL CO2 diffusers